FACT: Very few air purifiers can stop the COVID-19 coronavirus. But there’s one that can.
Not all air purifiers can capture and eliminate COVID-19. However, all Fellowes AeraMax Pro air purifiers demonstrated, through independent laboratory testing, to be effective in eliminating aerosolised concentration of SARS-CoV-2 by 99.9999% through a single air pass test of the purifier. In addition, AeraMax Pro air purifiers reached 99.99% airborne reduction of a surrogate Human Coronavirus 229E in a 20m³ test chamber within 1 hour of operation in a separate test. Therefore, it is a MUST that Fellowes is considered as part of a broader proactive hygiene strategy.
What we know about COVID-19
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
“It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”

It’s primarily believed the majority of cases are contracted by person-to-person spread. That means a person who is infected can infect another person in close contact (about 6 feet or less) by sneezing or coughing. Respiratory droplets can then land on the mouths and/or noses of uninfected people close by.
Surfaces and COVID-19
While it’s believed that COVID-19 spreads from person-to-person contact, officials haven’t ruled out surface contact as a potential source of contagion. It’s just too early to tell.
In fact, recent tests on the coronavirus COVID-19 showed it can stay active on various surfaces for up to three days. In the tests, researchers found that viable coronavirus samples could live for up to:
- Four hours on cardboard
- Four hours on copper surfaces
- Two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.
During tests, the researchers also found the coronavirus could be detected in the air up to three hours after emission, making it vital that people clean the air.

Similarities to other viruses
Some researchers in South Korea have found genetic similarities between COVID-19 and the SARS virus. This offers hope that AeraMax Professional air purifiers can also be deployed in the battle to stop the spread of similar viruses in the future, should the need ever arise; as AeraMax Professional is able to capture the COVID-19 and SARS virus using its four-stage filtration system.
The importance of cleaning
While the majority of COVID-19 cases are derived from person-to-person contact, we can’t overemphasize the importance of proper room cleaning.
So, while many people have been stressing the importance of surface and hand cleaning, the addition of clean air, free of COVID-19 will undoubtedly help manage enclosed spaces. AeraMax Professional’s four-stage system, with H13 HEPA filtration, can effectively and efficiently build on the hand and surface cleaning routines.

Where AeraMax Professional can help
We do know that AeraMax Professional air purifiers can mitigate additional pathogens in the air where people are infected, removing pollutants from air and reducing risks for people already infected.
AeraMax Professional air purifiers are certified to:
- Eliminate aerosolised concentration of SARS-CoV-2 by 99.9999% through a single air pass test of the purifier.
- Be effective in reducing airborne concentrations of influenza A (H1N1) aerosol in a test chamber, reaching 99.9% airborne virus reduction within the first 35 minutes of operation.
- Capture at least 99.95% of pollutants at 0.1 microns.
- Capture at least 99.97% of pollutants at 0.3 microns.

What’s more, an AeraMax Professional III with PureView Technology can sense when airborne contamination is present in a room, automatically adjusting cleaning to remove the offending particles from the air. This is ideal for places like assisted living facilities, where residents already have compromised immune and respiratory systems.
Moving forward
The situation regarding COVID-19 is fluid, with new information reshaping the landscape almost daily. As more information becomes available, we will include it so you are armed with decision-making power.
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Compiled with publicly available information as of March 11, 2020.