Get the Lead Out!

Gun range air quality can be quite bad, leaving frequent shooters with elevated levels of lead in their blood. Posted on: January 25, 2017 | By Mike Booth

Gun range air quality problems ? That old adage: “guns don’t kill people, people kill people?” Turns out it was wrong. Guns do kill people, albeit slowly and from an unlikely source. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently conducted a study of air quality in gun ranges, taking blood samples from people who frequently […]

Drone On!

Posted on: January 18, 2017 | By Mike Booth

It’s become a common sight—small helicopter-like devices buzzing in the air above parks and open spaces, with operators controlling them from afar. Indeed, drones are even taking over commercial applications, with Amazon testing the delivery of packages via drone copters, and military operations, with drones used for airstrikes. Now, governments are taking the technology into […]

London Gets Aggressive About Pollution

Posted on: January 11, 2017 | By Mike Booth

In recent years, foggy Londontown has been more like smoggy Londontown—that’s because diesel vehicle emissions have gone unchecked, spewing toxic nitrogen dioxide chemicals into an air that was more souplike than fresh. Now, however, the city’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, plans to do something about it. He’s proposed a doubling in funds to combat air pollution, […]

Air Quality Linked to Stroke Mortality

Posted on: January 4, 2017 | By Mike Booth

We’ve reported numerous times about the respiratory health effects of pollution, but a pair of new studies are highlighting additional dangers of smog and particulate matter in the air we breathe. The first study, conducted by Ryu Matsuo, M.D., a professor at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, drew correlations between airborne pollution and the chances […]