
5 ways to convince your company to invest in indoor air quality

office-manager-indoor-air-quality Posted on: January 28, 2016 | By Mike Booth

The effect that work environments have on productivity and employee satisfaction has become a hot topic in the corporate world as research continually becomes more available. More people have become aware of how Indoor air quality (IAQ) affects employees’ health, comfort and ability to focus.

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Fighting back against worsening airborne allergies

airborne-allergies-indoor-air-quality-sneeze Posted on: January 20, 2016 | By Mike Booth

An unusually warm fall and early winter left many around the U.S. suffering from airborne allergies later than usual. Allergens commonly found in the air including mold spores and pollen from ragweed, were a particular problem near the end of 2015 due to the lack of frost and snow.

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How do air purifiers work?

Posted on: December 23, 2015 | By Mike Booth

When you walk into a room and see a device attached to the wall, it’s natural to wonder about its function and purpose. So how do air purifiers work? And what separates the best of the best?

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Prevent flu in classrooms by cleaning the air

Posted on: November 11, 2015 | By Mike Booth

Making the air cleaner in classrooms provides numerous benefits, including reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, more suitable environments for students with allergies and asthma and, perhaps most importantly, limiting the spread of the influenza virus.

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Clean air gives pets – and their owners – a higher level of care

Posted on: October 28, 2015 | By Mike Booth

With 100 or more pets visiting every day, Dr. Adam Conroy and his team at Animal Care Clinic veterinary care center were facing some serious air quality control issues. In addition to an ongoing odor problem, the team was concerned that sick animals could spread airborne pathogens throughout the facility.

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