
Four Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Posted on: March 29, 2017 | By Mike Booth

It seems like every news cycle is dominated by talk of air pollution and poor indoor air quality. There are ways, however, to influence the quality of indoor environments. Here are four quick changes that facility managers can make to improve indoor air quality. 1. Boost ventilation. One simple way of helping alleviate air issues […]

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Allergy Season is on the Way

Posted on: March 15, 2017 | By Mike Booth

Climate Change Climate change has really done a number on the US this winter: Southern California has been deluged by torrential rains, the East Coast has been hit with summer-like weather, and tornados—usually seen in late spring and early summer—have cropped up in February in the Midwest. And in the Southeast? Winter meant nothing, with […]

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An Extreme Solution to Pollution

Posted on: March 8, 2017 | By Mike Booth

The Problem Some governments have been known to avoid the persistent problem of poor air quality, but a recent decision in Britain could possibly set the (low) standard. Seems the British government has identified a large number of “hotspots” for pollution in the idyllic peninsula of Cornwall. The cause: major roadways in close proximity to […]

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A Rose by Any Other Name?

Posted on: March 1, 2017 | By Mike Booth

Billionaire philanthropist and tech pioneer Bill Gates recently visited Geneva, Switzerland on a mission: to find the worst smell he could inhale and still remain standing. Sounds like a more of a wacky fraternity stunt than a fact-finding mission from one of the richest men in the world, but there was method to his madness. […]

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Is There a Doctor in the Facility?

Posted on: February 22, 2017 | By Mike Booth

Recently, a researcher affiliated with Harvard said facility managers do more as “healthcare workers” for a workforce than physicians. The thinking: people spend the majority of their day in workplaces, and facility managers can influence that environment. Joseph Allen, Ph.D., assistant professor of Exposure Assessment Science and director of the Healthy Buildings Program at the […]

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