
The Office Microbiome and You

Posted on: February 15, 2017 | By Mike Booth

You know those TV commercials pushing probiotics, the ones claiming there’s good microorganisms in your stomach that battle the bad? Well, that’s what healthcare professionals call the Human Microbiome, a balance of microorganisms in internal organs that both regulate health and cause illness. Researchers have for years been mapping the Human Microbiome, much like in […]

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How’s the Air in There?

Posted on: February 8, 2017 | By Mike Booth

At the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show, the focus was on the “Internet of Things:” the interconnectivity of devices with lifestyles and constant feedback via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. So, you now have refrigerators that can alert you when you’re running low on milk, or home security systems that also change lighting to fit your mood. One […]

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You’re Grounded!

Posted on: February 1, 2017 | By Mike Booth

The Problem When it comes to air pollution, there’s bad, and then there’s Beijing bad. The air quality was so poor in the major Chinese city during the fourth quarter of 2016 that officials took the unusual step of grounding air flights from the Beijing airport. The reason: Pilots couldn’t see the runway on landing […]

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Drone On!

Posted on: January 18, 2017 | By Mike Booth

It’s become a common sight—small helicopter-like devices buzzing in the air above parks and open spaces, with operators controlling them from afar. Indeed, drones are even taking over commercial applications, with Amazon testing the delivery of packages via drone copters, and military operations, with drones used for airstrikes. Now, governments are taking the technology into […]

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London Gets Aggressive About Pollution

Posted on: January 11, 2017 | By Mike Booth

In recent years, foggy Londontown has been more like smoggy Londontown—that’s because diesel vehicle emissions have gone unchecked, spewing toxic nitrogen dioxide chemicals into an air that was more souplike than fresh. Now, however, the city’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, plans to do something about it. He’s proposed a doubling in funds to combat air pollution, […]

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