
Poor air quality is making you fat, says science

poor-air-quality-barbell-grass Posted on: March 2, 2016 | By Mike Booth

For those who follow healthy habits to a T, it might be tough to hear that researchers have linked obesity to a factor mostly out of your control when you’re at work or school – air quality.

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How your organization can fight air pollution

trash-air-pollution-sustainability Posted on: February 24, 2016 | By Mike Booth

There are a lot of simple ways to go green. Whether it’s cutting back on water and electrical consumption or switching from paper copies to digital, every organization can identify cheap and easy methods for improving sustainability. Over time, these small steps make a big difference.

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5 IAQ gifts for your co-workers during the winter

Indoor Air Quality Gifts for your Co-workers Posted on: February 17, 2016 | By Mike Booth

It’s easy to feel cooped up when you work in an office year-round, especially when winter strikes and cabin fever becomes a real struggle in colder climates. The sleet and snow bring fewer opportunities to step outside, open a window or enjoy lunch on a café patio.

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Health Update: Flu Season 2016

flu-season-2016-iaq-working-while-sick-sick-day Posted on: February 3, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Get ready: The peak of the flu season is coming.

It’s been a mild season so far, but don’t be surprised if the number of absent employees spikes in the coming weeks.

Why? As we’ve noted, cleanliness efforts such as handwashing and cleaning surfaces don’t fully protect facilities against the flu. Instead, experts have proven that the virus is most often spread through the air.

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5 ways to convince your company to invest in indoor air quality

office-manager-indoor-air-quality Posted on: January 28, 2016 | By Mike Booth

The effect that work environments have on productivity and employee satisfaction has become a hot topic in the corporate world as research continually becomes more available. More people have become aware of how Indoor air quality (IAQ) affects employees’ health, comfort and ability to focus.

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