
Unhealthy Occupations

Airborne particles—whether they be from bacteria, grinding dust or harmful chemicals and the like—contribute to making the dental profession so unhealthy Posted on: October 23, 2018 | By Mike Booth

Some jobs are just riskier than others. Take hang-gliding instructors. Or high-rise window washers. Or lion tamers, bear trap testers or even fireworks packers. But those pale in comparison to the riskiest industry in America: the dental industry. According to a study conducted by Business Insider, the dental industry has five of the top ten […]

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Fight the flu more effectively this season.

So, how do you combat the flu in your facility? Focus on cleaning the Triumvirate: Hands, Surfaces and Air. Posted on: October 22, 2018 | By Mike Booth

Another fall, another flu season. Last year’s flu season was particularly harsh, and some are predicting this season will match or exceed the severity of last year’s. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is asking everyone over the age of six months old to get inoculated against the flu. According to the CDC, […]

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AeraMax on the Air—and Cleaning It.

AeraMax Professional sheds light on air purity challenges in the dental lab industry. Posted on: October 16, 2018 | By Mike Booth

AeraMax Professional had a great chance to spread the Gospel of Clean Air when it was invited to shed light on air purity challenges in the dental lab industry during a two-part interview featured on the Voices from the Bench podcast recently. Voices from the Bench, hosted by industry professionals Elvis Dahl and Barbara Warner […]

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Don’t Forget IAQ in Cleaning Programs

Posted on: June 12, 2017 | By Mike Booth

These days, facility managers have more responsibilities. More occupant interaction, more belt-tightening decisions—and more opportunities to truly affect change in their facility. This is why the director of the Healthy Buildings Program at the Harvard Center for Health and the Global Environment, Joseph Allen, Ph.D., stated that a facility manager has more of an impact […]

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Four Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Posted on: March 29, 2017 | By Mike Booth

It seems like every news cycle is dominated by talk of air pollution and poor indoor air quality. There are ways, however, to influence the quality of indoor environments. Here are four quick changes that facility managers can make to improve indoor air quality. 1. Boost ventilation. One simple way of helping alleviate air issues […]

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