There’s one thing you should know about germs like the flu virus—surface cleaning just won’t cut it. That’s because germs travel through the air. And in the case of the flu, germs can linger in the air for up to a half hour after someone sneezes. So to get tough on germs, you need AeraMax Professional. It removes up to 99.97% of airborne germs and pathogens from indoor air. And that’s nothing to sneeze at—so to speak.
Here are just a few of the places AeraMax Professional can tackle the toughest germs:
Bathrooms are a veritable breeding ground for germs—and high-powered hand dryers just spread those germs farther in the air. Instead, AeraMax Professional air purifiers can capture airborne germs. As an added bonus, each unit also adsorbs odors, adhering them to a filter, which ideal for bathrooms.
Cafeterias, locker rooms, conference areas—all meeting grounds are also spots for germs and the flu virus to convene. Each AeraMax Professional model is whisper quiet and employs sophisticated technology to sense when its needed.
Waiting areas and lobbies mean high traffic, and high traffic means more chances that a sick person can spread germs. AeraMax Professional is offered in both wall- and stand-mounted units, so they fit into almost any environment.
AeraMax removes viruses from the air
AeraMax Professional is certified to remove aerosolized Influenza A (H1N1) viruses from the air in enclosed spaces, making for healthier, safer environments. See our Independent Certification