Tag Archives: Case Studies

When Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School principal Scarlett Dunne, Ph.D., noticed that students were frequently sick, she knew she had to do something to reverse absenteeism.

“We’ve had concerns with allergens in our building, as well as mold and mildew,” she said. We also have quite a few children in our building who have asthma—that’s what prompted us to look at air quality and begin to have a conversation with our plant services department.”

Ted Gilbert, associate superintendent for district services for the Clarke County School District, where Oglethorpe resides, understood there was a correlation between student illness and indoor air quality.


“How do we help and not hinder what’s going on in the classroom?” he said. “(Air quality) is one serious component. How do we bring a really fine environment to students in the classroom? When we do that, we know we enhance attendance, student achievement and the overall classroom experience. Indoor air quality is very, very important…I think anything we can do to remove particulates from the air and give our students and staff cleaner, fresher air is the best.”

To that end, Kimberly Thomas, executive director for plant services and custodial operations for the Clarke County School District spearheaded a pilot program with AeraMax Professional after completing a comprehensive air quality assessment.


In a pilot program, the school district installed AeraMax® Professional commercial air purifiers in selected classrooms at Oglethorpe. Since AeraMax Professional air purifiers remove up to 99.97 percent of airborne contaminants like germs, allergens, odors and viruses from indoor air, the facility team was confident that air quality would be quickly improved…and it did.

“Within the first week of installation, we could tell a difference in the rooms,” Dunne said. “There was a noticeable change. It smelled much fresher and we could see a difference in (the amount of) coughing and sneezing.”Teachers also noticed a difference, saying that students seemed more energized throughout the day.

An added benefit: “Not only did the parents and teachers recognize an immediate difference in fresher smelling air, but it also made it easier for our staff to clean those areas,” Thomas said. “We didn’t see the same level of dust.”

The installation of the AeraMax Professional units was part of a larger green cleaning initiative undertaken by the school district. And, the facility management industry took notice, resulting in the Grand Award in the Healthy Schools Campaign’s 2015 Green Cleaning Award for Schools & Universities.casestudy_clarkeschools



More and more companies are realizing the benefits of green cleaning. Now you can too with the latest in our whitepaper series for facility managers. It’s called Change is in the Air: How Green Cleaning Protects the Environment and Health, and it outlines the importance of developing a solid green cleaning program, as well as the steps to undertake—and succeed at—the task of green cleaning.

Implementing a Green Cleaning Program

Contrary to some misperceptions, green cleaning isn’t only about using solvents and cleaning agents that leave little environmental impact. Instead, green cleaning focuses on a holistic approach to cleaning that positively impacts both the environment and health, streamlining operations so less energy is used, more efficiency is created and more healthful practices are implemented. Ultimately, it’s a movement that focuses on cleaning for health—and the whitepaper clearly outlines how that can happen in any facility, big or small.


The benefits to health can’t be overstated. For example, in one school, an indoor air quality program that focused on green cleaning techniques saw airborne dust inside the building decrease by 52 percent, VOC concentrations decrease by 49 percent and bacteria decrease by 40 percent.

Download it for free

Our new whitepaper includes a green cleaning checklist, as well as step-by-step processes to ensure green cleaning practices, and is available here.