Dental Lab Owners: How’s your employees’ health?

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There’s a skyrocketing geriatric population, with more Baby Boomers aging into elderly status every day. There are more incidences of dental disease. And, more people are looking to restore their dental health. $11 Billion in expected growth Those factors and more are causing a spike in projected growth for the dental lab industry, according […]
It’s no secret that China has a significant air quality problem. Years of relying on coal-burning plants have left many cities a daily sooty mess. Clouds of toxic haze blanket many regions of the country. The country has taken steps to alleviate the problem, curtailing emissions and pushing for more alternative choices to fossil-fuel energy […]
The tragic death of a London schoolgirl could provide greater awareness of the dangers of poor air quality. It may also be the catalyst for significant change. When nine-year-old Ella Kissi-Debrah passed away in 2013, doctors initially listed cause of death as respiratory failure as a result of severe asthma. In fact, Kissi-Debrah had the […]
We spend 90% of our time indoors—and indoor air can be teeming with irritants that trigger allergies and asthma. Get the facts about allergies and asthma and what you can to do relieve symptoms in your facility. Download a PDF