Put me in, Coach!

Posted on: November 23, 2016 | By Mike Booth

The world is becoming increasingly aware about the effects of poor indoor air quality—and that awareness has extended into the realm of wireless applications, with start-ups and tech companies rushing to produce smartphone apps, tracking and measuring devices and home-based air quality tools. These companies are also championing a concept called hyperlocality, where measurements or […]

We Won Again!

Posted on: November 22, 2016 | By Mike Booth

It looks like we’re closing out 2016 with a bang—AeraMax® Professional was again recognized for its superiority, this time during the HX: The Hotel Experience Rooms to Restaurants show on November 13, 2016. Our new AeraMax Pro II won the 2016 Editor’s Choice Awards in the Best New Product—Technology category during the trade show and […]

AeraMax Professional Helps Clarke Go Green

Posted on: November 16, 2016 | By Mike Booth

When Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School principal Scarlett Dunne, Ph.D., noticed that students were frequently sick, she knew she had to do something to reverse absenteeism. “We’ve had concerns with allergens in our building, as well as mold and mildew,” she said. We also have quite a few children in our building who have asthma—that’s what […]

The Next Wave of Cleaning—Get Our Latest Whitepaper

Posted on: November 9, 2016 | By Mike Booth

More and more companies are realizing the benefits of green cleaning. Now you can too with the latest in our whitepaper series for facility managers. It’s called Change is in the Air: How Green Cleaning Protects the Environment and Health, and it outlines the importance of developing a solid green cleaning program, as well as […]

Green Cleaning in a Different Way

Posted on: October 26, 2016 | By Mike Booth

It’s common knowledge that Hong Kong has some of the world’s worst air quality, given that rampant industrial expansion, a reliance on automobiles and a lax regulatory environment mean that air pollution often goes unchecked. But a German architect is applying his design skills to do something about it. Dénes Honus has founded Green […]