AeraMax Professional highlights the need to improve IAQ in FMJ

Posted on: December 10, 2015 | By Mike Booth

While indoor air quality (IAQ) has become an industry buzzword, there’s still a general lack of awareness about the benefits better air quality can provide for occupants. That’s why we get excited when our own Global Director of Marketing, Jeff Dryfhout, has the chance to raise awareness of the need for clean air in FMJ […]

Learn the ROI of pure air in your facility

Air-purifiers-green-offices-pure-air Posted on: December 2, 2015 | By Mike Booth

This December, Buildings and Facility Executive magazines will offer free webinars about why improving indoor air quality in your facility can provide a substantial return on investment by reducing the spread of germs.

Why your facility could be hurting worker productivity

worker-productivity-indoor-air-quality Posted on: November 18, 2015 | By Mike Booth

Worker productivity can be influenced by a lot of factors, including the air quality within the workplace, according to a new study.

Prevent flu in classrooms by cleaning the air

Posted on: November 11, 2015 | By Mike Booth

Making the air cleaner in classrooms provides numerous benefits, including reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, more suitable environments for students with allergies and asthma and, perhaps most importantly, limiting the spread of the influenza virus.

Clean air gives pets – and their owners – a higher level of care

Posted on: October 28, 2015 | By Mike Booth

With 100 or more pets visiting every day, Dr. Adam Conroy and his team at Animal Care Clinic veterinary care center were facing some serious air quality control issues. In addition to an ongoing odor problem, the team was concerned that sick animals could spread airborne pathogens throughout the facility.