
Alzheimer’s Linked to Air Quality

Posted on: October 12, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Scientists and researchers have long known that even moderate exposure to air pollution can compromise respiratory, immune and nervous systems, but new findings provide a strong link between air quality and the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. Research has found increased levels of toxic magnetite nanoparticles from air pollution in brain tissue of deceased Alzheimer’s patients, […]

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Saying Nope to Germ-fighting Soap

Posted on: October 5, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Here’s bad news for your germaphobe friend—you know, the one who buys all the products he can with the “antibacterial” stamp on them. Problem is, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned antibacterial ingredients from soap products, saying that these ingredients do little or nothing to make the soap more effective. What’s more, […]

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Harry Potter and the Invisible Foe

Posted on: September 28, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Now residents in Lafayette, Louisiana can get a little something extra when they’re checking out “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”: The library system recently acquired 12 Speck air quality monitors and are making them available for loan to library cardholders. The Speck monitors were developed by Carnegie Mellon University and built by Airviz, after […]

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Fall Allergies: What You Can Do

Posted on: September 21, 2016 | By Mike Booth

With so much attention paid to springtime allergies—the blooms! The sneezing! The incessant TV spots featuring over-the-counter remedies!—it’s hard to remember that fall is a prime allergy season, too. In fact, ragweed, a common culprit for all that sneezing and wheezing, blooms from mid-August until the first cold snap in the Midwest and East. And, […]

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I Object! Suing over Air Quality

Posted on: September 14, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Here’s one for the books. Law books, that is. Environmentalists in the Netherlands have taken an extreme step to call attention to ongoing pollution concerns: They are suing the government. According to their lawsuit, air pollution levels in the Netherlands exceed normal standards and thus harm people. They claim this, in turn, infringes on basic […]

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