
Hypoallergenic hotels emphasize air purification

Hotele dla alergików z oczyszczaniem powietrza Posted on: February 10, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Air purification might seem like a luxury at first glance, but hotels around the world are making it part of their comprehensive strategies to ensure their facilities are asthma- and allergy-free. In fact, Delos, creators of Wellness Real Estate™, considers clean air to be an essential aspect of a healthy hotel environment.

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Health Update: Flu Season 2016

flu-season-2016-iaq-working-while-sick-sick-day Posted on: February 3, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Get ready: The peak of the flu season is coming.

It’s been a mild season so far, but don’t be surprised if the number of absent employees spikes in the coming weeks.

Why? As we’ve noted, cleanliness efforts such as handwashing and cleaning surfaces don’t fully protect facilities against the flu. Instead, experts have proven that the virus is most often spread through the air.

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Fighting back against worsening airborne allergies

airborne-allergies-indoor-air-quality-sneeze Posted on: January 20, 2016 | By Mike Booth

An unusually warm fall and early winter left many around the U.S. suffering from airborne allergies later than usual. Allergens commonly found in the air including mold spores and pollen from ragweed, were a particular problem near the end of 2015 due to the lack of frost and snow.

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How the Museum of Science and Industry knocked out bathroom odors

Posted on: January 13, 2016 | By Mike Booth

Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) is one of the world’s premier learning centers for kids and adults. MSI staff play host to more than 340,000 students each year and want to make sure everyone enjoys the interactive exhibits and the overall experience.

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How do air purifiers work?

Posted on: December 23, 2015 | By Mike Booth

When you walk into a room and see a device attached to the wall, it’s natural to wonder about its function and purpose. So how do air purifiers work? And what separates the best of the best?

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