For students and their families, a campus visit can be one of the most important factors in choosing a school. After all, there’s a reason universities spend so much on awesome athletic centers, top-of-the-line health facilities and cozy student unions.
However, perceptions of a campus can be rapidly diminished by foul odors or widespread illness. Imagine touring a musty dorm or a bathroom that smelled moldy. People immediately associate these smells with a lack of health and cleanliness, which in turn translates to a negative perception.
For more concrete evidence, consider that in a 2015 survey Cascade Tissue Group found that 65 percent of participants somewhat or strongly agree restroom cleanliness helps shape perceptions of the quality of schools they have attended.
Since odors are one of the most common bathroom complaints, clean air is integral to building positive perceptions. While handwashing and clean surfaces visually make facilities appear clean, the air can be filled with germs, allergens and volatile organic compounds. It’s not just about what you see, it’s also about what you inhale.
Bathrooms are just one common area that requires attention to indoor air quality. Consider the high traffic of dorms, health centers and administrative offices. Since the flu and several other common illnesses are primarily spread through the air, it’s important to clean the air in these spaces.
Campus leaders can improve facility perceptions by directly targeting the toughest problem areas with integrated commercial-grade air purifiers. These devices are ideal for removing contaminants from bathrooms, offices and other common areas, and visibly demonstrate a commitment to campus health and cleanliness. Allergy air purifiers not only improve indoor air quality, but also provide a healthier and cleaner learning environment for students and teachers. Such details can make all the difference on a campus tour, and, more importantly, benefit the students and faculty who are already committed to your institution.